Friday, January 14, 2011

Delayed Transmission

Hello and apologies to all of you who happily told us you'd keep an eye on A Schooner of New to see what we've been up to and get a feel for life over here..............we failed rather badly at keeping it up to date for the past 6 months didn't we!!!

So, new year = New Year's resolutions.  And guess what one of them is - that's right - start posting on the blog.  And so, here I am on January the 15th (I know, it's only taken me two weeks) sitting down to put a post or two on the blog.  You've probably forgotten all about it by now, or at least given up hope of there ever being anything on it apart from a picture of my new handbag!  Hopefully that will not be the case for much longer.

A lot has happened since August when we conceived the idea of A Schooner of New so there is lots to tell you. The biggest one is that we bought a house! So, you guessed it, that will be the next post.  I shall be spending the weekend taking photos and you can expect to see something by Sunday night.  Now don't get too excited, David Bailey I am not, but I'm sure I can take some reasonable ones of a few sofas!

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