Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Our Castle

So, as mentioned before, David Bailey I am not....and here are the photos to prove it. I would like to blame my tools but I suspect it wouldn't matter how great my camera was, the photos would still be crap!  So, please look past the poor photography....and the unpatched walls......and the massive expanses of boring cream and white....and think of all the possibilities that are 3 Diosma Place......aka our Castle.  So called because, according to legend, every Aussie's home is their Castle.   I'm happy with that!

Here is the view from the garage onto our deck at the back

This is our shiny new outdoor lounge, my current favourite place to be.....preferably with a glass of wine in hand.

As you come in the front door this is the view down the hallway.....you can play the feline version of "Where's Wally" as you go through these photos....Maggie's the shining pair of eyes centre stage.  We're trying to train the cats to be ferocious guard moggies but are failing miserably.

Once you get to the end of the hallway there is a large open plan area that is the sitting room, kitchen and dining area.  Here's the sitting room to the left.

And here is the other perspective looking from the sitting room area back to the kitchen and dining area.

Once you walk past the dining area you will find my study (it is through those three gaps in the wall at the other end of the picture above).  It's lovely and light and I find myself actually wanting to spend time in there.  Hence the sudden enthusiasm for getting the blog going again!
This is a photo of the master bedroom.  We don't have a door! What you can see the chest of drawers up against is a wall, that sits 3 foot in front of the bedroom wall, like a screen.  It isn't as bad as it sounds, although that's very easy to say when it is just the two of us....

This is our magnificent walk in wardrobe and the ensuite off our bedroom.  So far I haven't managed to fill all the drawer and cupboard space....but it gives me a great target to work towards!

This is one of the spare rooms (we have three!) which now houses the pull-out bed and all our books.

One of the other spare rooms has become Ryan's office since he works from home.  Can you guess who he works for?!!!

I haven't taken a photo of the 4th bedroom as it currently just has a bed in it....with all our washing on it, and you don't need to see that!

Lastly, here is a picture of the main bathroom....if you need an incentive to come visit please take note of the sunken bath which is great for hot Poms to clamber into up to their necks after a day in the Aussie sunshine (it's been tested by the resident Pom).  We may not have a pool....but this could work as a substitute until you can be bothered to walk to the 4 minutes to the local pool.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Delayed Transmission

Hello and apologies to all of you who happily told us you'd keep an eye on A Schooner of New to see what we've been up to and get a feel for life over here..............we failed rather badly at keeping it up to date for the past 6 months didn't we!!!

So, new year = New Year's resolutions.  And guess what one of them is - that's right - start posting on the blog.  And so, here I am on January the 15th (I know, it's only taken me two weeks) sitting down to put a post or two on the blog.  You've probably forgotten all about it by now, or at least given up hope of there ever being anything on it apart from a picture of my new handbag!  Hopefully that will not be the case for much longer.

A lot has happened since August when we conceived the idea of A Schooner of New so there is lots to tell you. The biggest one is that we bought a house! So, you guessed it, that will be the next post.  I shall be spending the weekend taking photos and you can expect to see something by Sunday night.  Now don't get too excited, David Bailey I am not, but I'm sure I can take some reasonable ones of a few sofas!