Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Handbags, not gladrags.

And now let's see if I can work out how to post pictures.

So for the viewing pleasure of all the ladies, feast your eyes on this Longchamp beauty. Yay!!

I have now officially signing up to Addicted to Handbags (not so) Anonymous

And so it begins.....

So dear friends and family, we have decided it's about time we got with it and started our own blog. Having had the intention of starting one for a good 18 months now we have finally put our money squarely in the vicinity of our gobs and signed up.

It has taken us a while to come up with a name we liked and having finally decided, hope you will appreciate that it not only points to a pastime we are particularly fond of, but also quite nicely describes life in Australia for us. This, I suspect is about as clear as gravy to those residing in the UK but hopefully not too far fetched for the Aussies. So, Poms, let us explain......

"What is a schooner?" I hear you ask. It is the standard Australian beer carrying vessel favored by most.


  • a vertically challenged pint, or;
  • a pint for those who need to get it down quickly before it goes warm in the sun, or;
  • a training aid for numerous Aussies before they venture off to the motherland to drink copious pints of lager.

It is in fact, 425 ml. So in comparison to the great British pint which regally stands at 568 ml, a schooner will only get you 75% of your favourite poison at Gymea Hotel (our local) compared to a pint at The Queens Head. Having said that, for little people like me it works rather well as it takes 4 Schooners rather than 3 pints before I think the bouncers find me amusing and the beer rarely gets the opportunity to go warm!

Oh, and it's also a boat. But I can't say that we come into much contact with that sort of schooner on as regular a basis.

Now for the "new" part. I'm sure you will have cottoned on to the fact that being in Australia is, in itself, new. Well, at least for me it is (even though I've now been living here for just over two and a half years). It is also the standard cry you'll hear at an Aussie bar. Sorry to dispel long established English preconceptions but.......wait for it.......Aussies don't drink Fosters. In fact, you can't buy it in a pub over here. To make matters worse for some visiting Brits, real ale is just a British myth and cider comes in a bottle.  So what does one drink whilst in Australia?

They drink Toohey's New.

So there you go folks. A Schooner of New